sunflower oil field


I strongly believe that laboratory-made artificial chemicals and molecules that were introduced into our food, water, air and consumer products in the last 60 years have had negative impacts on our health and environment, accumulating in cellular material in our bodies and in our flora and fauna, slowly causing chronic disease and illness. provides useful alternatives to the synthetics we have become accustomed to in our soaps, cosmetics, skin care products, food and living spaces.

We see from history that the initial push to create synthetic molecules in the laboratory was to mimic natural substances known to us and our ancestors as having therapeutic qualities.  And also because natural substances cannot be patented, there was the incentive to produce un-natural substances and patent them.  Of course, we did not fully realize at the time, and many people are still in the dark and do not know today, that introducing these un-natural substances into our cells and bodies, would be the cause of illness.


Rocket Robin is proud to be your supplier of truly natural products with simple ingredients in support of your family’s health and well-being.